Monday 6 June 2011

Day 4: Stratford Upon Avon

This is Day 4, and our next stop is Stratford-Upon-Avon, Shakespeare's Birthplace. When we stepped into the street, we were immediately transported to another retro world adorned with very very unique stores we hardly see in Singapore. There were cute cafes with petite chairs outside and chalkboards depicting their menus. There is also a Shakespeare Gift shop, selling many Shakespeare goodies, and we could not wait to get hands on them! For example, Shakespearean insults and quotations printed on badges and stationery. Imagine our friend's faces when we used these quotations to insult them! :D Even though they were expensive, it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

We attended a workshop that enriched our knowledge on The Bard, Shakespeare. It was interesting to know more about him including this facts:
1. He got married to his wife, Anne Hathaway at the age of 18 because he got her pregnant. Guess Shakespeare was naughty despite his intellectual impression!
2. He wrote a sonnet to make her fall in love with him. So sweet right:)
3. He probably died because of common diseases e.g typhoid fever. ugh ><
4.He died on the same day he was born 23 April, though a different year. Isn't that cool in a weird way?!

So after those details on the Bard's life, we went to tour around the well-preserved Shakespeare museum that was supposed to be his birthplace. It seemed to primitive to us, as we were used to advanced technology. We then proceeded to the garden. It was a sweet place with a huge assortment of flowers, roses especially. We were envious of him and his family that they managed to own such a luxurious garden! We took many photos as memories to bring back to share with our loved ones.

In the garden, there was a small tree residing in a circle in a small part of the garden where there were 2 actresses dressed in Victorian dresses performing snippets of different scenes of plays by Shakespeare including scenes from Julius Caesar, Macbeth and a few sonnets. We were definitely impressed by the acts as it seemed amazing to us that they could actually memorised so many scenes and sonnets! :D

We ended the day with a fulfilling dinner at Edward Moon where the waiter is extremely friendly and welcoming. Some of them entertained us with local ghost stories that chilled us to the bone. We then retreated back to the hotel Travelodge for a good night's rest.

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