Saturday 28 May 2011


Hey everyone! Vanessa here. Some of you may realise that we've changed the blog from Tumblr to Blogger. That's because I have no idea how to use Tumblr. Haha. Okay, so I've added everyone to the blog, let me know if you have yet to recieve that email notification. :) Oh yes, please do a pre-trip reflection! Thank you!

Are we packing yet?

Hi everyone, our blog is up and running!!! Thanks to Vanessa and her team of IT savvy peeps :)

I am going to post the very first blog!!! YAY... So I am semi-packed and working my way to completion soon... I hope!!! I take it you guys are busy packing too.

Now your first task before we embark on our ever-so-exciting trip will be to log into this blog and update me on your packing status. So that I can check if everyone is on board!

Till then happy packing troopers....

Miss Edward Veronica Elias